Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Trinity University Tehuacana

Who knew Trinity University, now in San Antonio, started in little Tehuacana?  And now this super creepy but awesome old building is left.  Here's a rundown of the history of the property

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church made Tehuacana the site of Trinity University and it remained there until it moved to Waxahachie in 1902. The property was then sold to the Methodist Church, which opened Westminster College.Westminster College merged with Southwestern University in 1942 but the school closed its doors in 1950. The school opened as Westminster Junior College and Bible Institute in 1953.

Apparently some weird church group uses the building.  I really can't figure out WTF they do.  They had another building behind the old college that looked like a half-way house.

Still not sure WTF is going on here.

The bell tower fell off somehow at some point.

I found this creepy picture of what it looked like when the bell tower was still attached.