Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lometa Santa Fe Depot: In desperate need of historical commission's protection

Located in Lometa, TX right off of US Hwy 183.

According to the Texas Santa Fe Company History:

"Because it was a junction point with a branch line, the Lometa station had many more structures than most of the similarly remote country points.  Structures other than the depot which were listed in the 1921 inventory include a freight platform (32 feet wide, length 83 feet, extended 76 feet in 1921), a cotton platform (25 feet by 84 feet),a stock yard (one chute and one pen, located immediately west of the Potts warehouse), several water closets, coal house, coal bin, several tool houses, oil sump, two Otto water cranes, several water tanks and pump houses, an oil tank, 4 stall engine house, turn table, storehouse, sand house,  engineer’s bathhouse, foreman’s office, car knocker’s shed, gate house, coal bin, two section foreman’s houses, and three bunkhouses for the section crew.  As was the case for all engine terminals, there were also considerable facilities buried in the ground for the movement and storage of fuel oil and water.  At the beginning of the 21stCentury there remain few visible traces at Lometa of any of this infrastructure."

This is what intervention looks like-the Santa Fe Depot in Lampasas, TX: